
Diabetes – Do You Have These Common Symptoms of Diabetes?
•Thirst and hunger apparently increased.
•Frequent urination.
•Signs of dehydration such as dry mouth.
•Severe fatigue.
•There is visible weight gain or weight loss.
•An infection that frequently recurs may be of the skin, bladder, or gums.
•Blurred vision.
•Any cuts or bruises that slow to heal.
•There is a feeling of numbness in the hands or feet.
Certain symptoms suggest a serious cause of tingling and numbness that requires prompt attention.
Have you noticed any of the following?
-Inability to move one side of the face.
-Difficult talking or making you understood.
-Difficult walking.
-Difficult thinking.
Please also Note: It’s also common to have NO SYMPTOMS with either diabetes or pre-diabetes.
But acupuncture SuJok that is traditionally accomplished through insertion of very fine needles at the correspondence points, located along the meridians pathways along which Qi travels, connecting the surface of the body energetically with the internal organs in the miniature form of hands or feet, or stimulation by any means thereby produces a polarity or electrical gradient, facilitating electromagnetic conduction, or movement of Qi. This way one may get positive results even if the value shows exorbitant figures. There seems to be little sensitivity to the insertion of acupuncture needles. Occasionally, there is a moment of discomfort as the needle penetrates the skin, but once the needles are in place, most people relax and even fall asleep for the duration of the treatment. Study of Acupuncture suggested that treating such problems with acupuncture has a positive and holistic effect. The concept of acupuncture SuJok itself is enough powerful to give positive results not only in diabetes but also to other related symptoms.
To your wellbeing, Enjoy!
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