Emotion is normally considered to be a feeling about or reaction to certain important events or thoughts.  An emotion can be either pleasant or unpleasant.  An individual also may have a mixture of both pleasant and unpleasant emotions.  People enjoy feelings such pleasant emotions as love, happiness, and contentment.  They often try to avoid feelings of unpleasant emotions, such as loneliness, worry, sadness, fear and grief.  However, people are sometimes not fully aware of their own emotions.
 Emotional disorder may be of Aggressiveness, irritability, fury, quarrelsome, disposition, instability of mood.  OR of Joy & laughter for no reason, excessive talkativeness. or of Excitement, carefree attitude, pride.  OR of Anxiety, worrying about trifles. OR of Grief, sadness, anguish, disappointment, depression, whining, sobbing, loss of interest in life. OR of Phobias, fearfulness, horror, hypochondria, disposition to suicide.
  BUT, if ANGER AND Tendency to come up unexpectedly, suddenly and lasts only for a short time. This type of anger is most of time strong, destructive emotion, if person prevails such type of anger can hit or even kill another. This emotion is accompanied by great muscle power, unpredictable.
 OR if a person has tendency to exhibit a frequent nervous aspect and will exist the anger emotions constantly, if conditions are correct, such type of anger will be constant, at the same time lengthy anger too, not severe but tendency of repeat anger remains. emotion is deep-rooted and destroys from within, this kind of anger is predicted, expect able, usually body of patient is lean, as anger<wind energy> subjugates agony(humidity energy), and tendency for liver or gall bladder disease may arise.
 ACUPUNCTURE ONNURI is one such treatment which is effective at emotional level too, through energy concept.
 EMOTIONS OF ANGER may be overcome through this concept, as acquire Knowledge To CURE and have a smile life!
 ask : Dr.Dinesh Kapur <>