Hiccup is an involuntary spasm of the glottis and diaphragm, causing the characteristic sound. Occasional attack of hiccup suggests a mild case and can be removed without medication, but if it persists, treatment is required. Hiccup is mostly caused by irregular diet, stagnation of liver qi and presence of cold in the stomach, leading to upward perversion of the stomach qi instead of descending.  Irregular food intake causes failure of the stomach qi to descend or emotional frustration stagnates the liver qi, leading to upward perversion of the stomach qi. The attack of the stomach by cold, oer eating of raw and cold food or taking drugs of cold nature gives rise to retaining of the stomach and upward perversion of qi.
 Retention of food;
 Main manifestations: loud hiccups, epigastric and abdominal distension, anorexia, thick, sticky tongue coating rolling and forceful pulse. Basically retention of food in the stomach disturbs the function of the spleen and stomach in transportation and transformation and impedes the qi activities in the middle.
 Stagnation of qi;
 Main manifestations: continual hiccups, distending pain and feeling of oppression in the chest and hypochondria, thin tongue coating, string taut and forceful pulse.  Basically the liver qi, if stagnated, will attack the stomach, causing upward perversion of stomach qi, therefore, hiccup, distending pain in the chest and hypochondria and feeling of oppression appear.
 Cold in the stomach;
 Main manifestations: slow and forceful hiccups which may be relieved by heat and aggravated by cold, discomfort in the epigastrium, white, moist tongue coating slow pulse. Basically the stomach qi fails to descend because of stagnated cold, so hiccup is forceful. In case of disturbance of the stomach qi, discomfort in the epigastrium occurs. If cold gets heat, smooth circulation of qi results and then hiccup is relieved by if cold gets worse, hiccup is aggravated. White, moist tongue coating and slow pulse indicate the presence of cold in the stomach.
 SuJok acupuncture is a new stage in the development of Oriental medicine. Highly effective for treatment, easy and accessible to learn, simple to apply, Su Jok methods have attracted much attention to and interest in this system all over the world.  One of the important feature of this system, That is, the fast-coming effect of the method. Su Jok therapy extremely quickly arrests pain syndromes of various etiology. Since the Su Jok method has a fast and effective removal of the pain syndrome makes the treatment period shorter and the patients cure quicker. One may get the results even from the first session itself.
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 To your well-being, smile life. Enjoy!