Mammary Gland

The endocrine system that regulates the mammary glands and become functional in response to the hormonal changes associated with parturition. A woman who has not borne children consists of a conical disk of glandular tissue of mammary gland, which is encase in variable quantities of fat that give it its characteristic shape. The glandular tissue itself is made up of 15–20 lobes composed of solid cords of ductal cells; each lobe is sub-divided into many smaller lobules, separated by broad fibrous suspensory bands, which connect the skin with the fascia, or sheet of connective tissue, that covers the pectoral muscles beneath the breast. A separate excretory duct drains each lobe. These converge beneath the nipple, where they widen into milk reservoirs, before narrowing again to emerge as pinpoint openings at the summit of the nipple.
Hormones induce the real secretion of milk – prolactin from the pituitary and somatomammotropin from the placenta. At the end of lactation the mammary glands and areolae return almost but not completely to their state before pregnancy. After menopause the glands atrophy and are largely replaced by connective tissue and fat.
Diseases and abnormalities of the breast;
Painful breasts may occur when estrogens are present in large amounts, as at puberty, during pregnancy, prior to menstruation, or after administration of the estrogens.
Fibrocystic disease, may result in later reproductive life from the cumulative effect of the ebb and flow of endocrine stimulation with each menstrual cycle; this produces nodular fibrosis—or lumps of fibrous tissue—and cysts of various sizes, also called chronic cystic mastitis. The condition can usually be distinguished from cancer because it is intermittently painful and tends to subside after menstrual periods. It may predispose to carcinoma, however. Early biopsy is indicated for any nodules that persist. The condition of such abnormalities of the breast such as;
Stiff tissue of the mammary gland
Dry and peeling skin
Hair growth
Stiff fibrous masses
Acute pains or painful breasts
It is advisable to put some seed or round pulse like white pepper on the prescribed dot that will stimulate the correspondence area of that particular meridian and stimulate on the mount.
Acupuncture SuJok methods, from the simplest to complex ones, are self-sufficient for coping with pain and obtaining a stable remission of even chronic disease. The SuJok method is a natural way of treatment, and the process of normalisation of the patient’s state, beginning during treatment, goes on after the active intervention stopped. The most effective and fast acting in treatment of chronic ailment is six or eight energies therapy in the structure of the stomach meridian after preliminary correction of the emotional sphere, in combination with biorhythmic SuJok acupuncture and basic treatments.
The beauty of SuJok is that each treatment is catered to the needs of an individual patient. Its energy concept on palm will be chosen for overall well-being with the goal of increasing circulation of the blood and vital energy.
Key Points-“acupuncture” describes a family of ways involving the stimulation of anatomical points on the body using a variety of techniques. The technique that has been most often studied scientifically involves penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metallic needles that are manipulated by the hands or by electrical stimulation. Acupuncture needles are metallic, solid, and hair-thin. People experience acupuncture differently, but most feel no or minimal pain as the needles is inserted. Some people feel energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed. Improper needle placement, movement of the patient, or a defect in the needle can cause soreness and pain during treatment. This is why it is important to seek treatment from a qualified acupuncture practitioner.
Your thought says; ‘Dr.Dinesh kapur
To your wellbeing! Smile.